About Me

Hi, I’m Alex Hoffman.

Ever since receiving my first console, I’ve been hooked on games; I love playing them as much as I enjoy creating them.  I actively program, model, and animate for personal projects I plan to release in the future. My go-to engine is definitely Unreal Engine.

I have worked in several different programming mediums, including but not limited to: computer games in C++, iPhone apps, 3D animation & modeling software such as Maya, Cinema 4D, SolidWorks, and more. Over the past year, I have been learning and utilizing Microsoft’s PlayFab system for Unreal Engine, using their CloudScript language for automation and JSON for communication with PlayFab in the engine. I am also using Perforce as a version control to back up my projects.

For more information on my work with programming, please see my main portfolio page.  If you would like to contact me, I may be reached via email, phone, and SMS.

View My Resume Here (PDF)



Email:      alex@alexjhoffman.com

Phone:     (818) 282-2839